So yeah, today got my pretty excited. Lots of coverage, and an extra lil hooray my way never hurt anyone.
I've been listening to alot of Julie Doiron lately. Hence my whimsical moose mobile.
Get ready for more, and different varieties. I'm so lucky I live on a street covered in giant old maple tree's.
I bet your thinking I cut branches off for my crafts. WRONG. I find them. People trim their tree's, and like a tiny squirrel, I snag all the wee branches left to sit there in the rain. I rescue these twigs in a way, from a life of joining the garbage pit of doom.
Moose Project cares for all those unwanted twigs, and brings them a new life. One filled with people like you and I ooing and ahhhing.
Here are some snap shots into my life at night.

Oh and a funny one of a moose I made getting free ride from my work horse.. piff.. the debauchery.

You rock MOOSE!
:) fun blog congrats on the front page.
Busy bee!!! Thank you for visiting my blog... btw, I love your logo!!! Have a great week!
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