Saturday, September 4, 2010


Ceci est notre ligne be biscuits gourmets que nous vendont a l’année longue. Nous vendont aussi nos biscuits en formes special pour le temps des fêtes.



Un biscuit qui explode de chocolat. Pépite de choco blanc & noir et poudre de cacao avec une petite touche fine de fleur de sel. Nous pouvont aussi les fabriqué avec ou sans noix de grenoble.


Vous avez envie de croquer les biscuits de votre enfence que votre mère vous fesait? Celles-ci sont parfaite pour vous!!! Pepite de choco foncee avec ou sans noix de grenoble.


Beurre, beurre, beurre!!!.. Ce biscuit est riche et onctueux. Merveilleuse avec une tasse de the ou de café.


En forme de petit chat, ce biscuit est delicat et leger avec un petit gout parfait de citron. Disponible avec ou sans glacage royal.


Ceci est un biscuit plus pour l’automne et l’hiver. Epicer et classique en gout, elles sont ideale a donner en cadeux au temps des fêtes.


Vous aimez le sucre? Le chocolat? Oui! Bien sure! Disponible en plusieurs formes, avec ou sans glacage royal.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lovely Saturday Garage Sale.

photo by Alice Gruber

Hey everyone!

I took part in a garage sale over the week-end and sold some cookies, handed out some cards, met lots of great people. The best part was that some people came back for a second cookie after having a bite of the first with giant smile on their faces.

My friend Alice also did a lil write up about it on her blog. Thanks Alice!
She took some pretty great photos too!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Personal Deliveries

So, I am currently on the look out for other cafes to sell them at.
I am also taking personal orders..

I would charge 15$ for a box of twelve. Delivery cost not included.

Hit me up if any of you are interested!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Not a "cookie pusher" more like a baker.

Some may take cookies lightly. I however, take my cookie making skills seriously.

Time for more cookies!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New cookies

After a brief pause my cookies have returned to Atomic Cafe.
I made a special "Easter" batch.

Bunnies and ducks.
Chocolate Shortbread with easter eggs as eyes.

Pretty cute, I know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy New Year readers!

My camera broke so unless I take photo's of the cookies with my mac cam.. there aint nothing.

So.. I have been baking regularly. My plan this year is to expand Biscuits a la main.
I would like to reach more cafe's around Montreal. Produce more, sell more. That's going to be the goal. Let's hope biscuits a la main can reach it.


What are your goals for 2010?